key signature

美 [ˈkiː sɪɡnətʃər]英 [ˈkiː sɪɡnətʃə(r)]
  • n.调号
key signaturekey signature


music 音调号
the set of marks at the beginning of a printed piece of music to show what key the piece is in


the sharps or flats that follow the clef and indicate the key
Synonym: signature


  1. A tonal system consisting of seven tones in fixed relationship to a tonic , having a characteristic key signature and being since the Renaissance the structural foundation of the bulk of Western music ; tonality .


  2. The other is modifying public key signature main mode to protect the initiator 's identity .


  3. In this paper , an efficient self-certified public key signature scheme was proposed by using bilinear pairings .


  4. An efficient self-certified public key signature from bilinear pairings


  5. The third party uses the message , the key signature and the known public key to verify the source as trusted .


  6. This is because the key signature contains a hash of the file , and modifying the file renders the hash invalid .


  7. Since most of the known multivariate public key signature schemes are under attacks , an improved signature model is proposed by analyzing the structure of the classical model .


  8. The wave motion bears the Key signature imparted by the nature and extent of the source . The Dynamic Action of Coupled Waves in Lossy Nonlinear Medium


  9. The only way to guarantee that the public key signature is from the owner is for the owner to hand you the key on a disk , in person .


  10. In this protocol , the evidence problem based on reliable client is pointed out . Without public key signature algorithm , the evidence problem is solved by symmetric cipher and hash function .


  11. On the basis of a NP ─ completeness problem ( matrix cover problem ), a new type of public key signature scheme is presented . Its velocity is quicker and its realization is easier . and discusses its safety character .


  12. At the same time , the lengths of key and signature were unrelated to the number of group members .


  13. According to the elliptic curve cryptography theory and digital watermarking technique , this paper presents the concepts of secret key and signature watermarking .


  14. Common proxy signature has a serious defect : once key for signature disclosed , document signed by former key for signature is invalid .


  15. If the proxy signer wans to use the same proxy key to signature different messages , his private key will be cracked .


  16. Signature property verifies using the public key in the signature .


  17. The Implement of A Pair of Secret Key of Digital Signature Algorithm by Using Java Programming Language


  18. In digital signatures , the private key generates the signature , and the corresponding public key validates the signature .


  19. The second algorithm is similar to the first . The software we made with VC + + 6.0 uses minimal steps to complete key generation , signature and verification .


  20. In this paper , the characteristics and key problems of signature management are analyzed in detail . Referring to WFMC workflow frame structure , a signature management system realization scheme based on workflow is designed .


  21. The new IBS scheme , not increasing any public key parameter and signature ciphertext overload , will improve the security reduction efficiency by modifying the parameters of Waters identity function which is used to deal with message , so it is more secure and credible .


  22. Key Techniques of Handwriting Signature System Based on ActiveX


  23. A brief description of some basic schemes of public key encryption and digital signature is presented .


  24. This protocol uses hash functions 、 common key encryption and digital signature technology , and it is easy to realize it .


  25. The length of public key in the group signature is independent , and the open process is realized by subliminal channel .


  26. The lattice-based public key cryptosystem and digital signature scheme with good safety and low bandwidth have received great attention in recent years .


  27. This paper proposed an efficient ID-based signature scheme without trusted party against the problem of key escrow of ID-based signature system .


  28. System management of student result , class management , curriculum management , teaching information management , the private key to produce results signature verification , and other functions .


  29. One important application of public key cryptosystem is digital signature , and signature scheme based on sharing secret is a good method to enhance the security of signature system .


  30. In this paper , The principles of Digital Signature is given , Meanwhile the key technology of digital signature : public key cryptography and Hash algorithms is introduced .
